Tag Archives: Biblical Storyteller’s Guild


Exodus 16

When the Biblical Storyteller’s Guild could not fill a request, I took on the task of memorizing Exodus 16.

On  Sunday, September 14,  St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Wiliamsburg hosted me to tell the story.   I loved meeting the warm, friendly people there and enjoyed a dramatic, relaxed storytell.

set out from Elim                                                        setting out from Elim

My contact person and new found friend, Ann Myer, is writing curriculum for her congregation/youth/children emphasizing old testament in order to become more familiar with the stories.  In addition, she sets up activity centers for the children after the story!

buildingsand table

I didn’t get a picture, but I was impressed with some guys at the lego center building a bushel basket, representing an ephah!

I hope to have another opportunity to share God’s word through dramatic storytell in the near future!